Details of the way that TV Rename is written and developed
Source Code
You can find TV Rename’s source code (along with executables and this website) in The TV Rename GitHub Repository.
Development Links
You can find the Developers Wiki here…
For the longer term you can visit the “Roadmap” which lists the proposed Milestones (a high level view of what's planned for when).
In addition there is a Developers Forum in Google Groups which you can request access to.
The legacy forum can be accessed in read-only mode for background and history about the project
Winforms C# application
TV Rename uses the Microsoft .NET Framework. The installer will check for its presence and let you know if any action is needed. It’s a free download from Microsoft.
.NET Framework 4.8
The app will check on this and ask the user to upgrade if it's missing. It's needed as a dependency for CEF Framework
Last updated
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