TV Show Summary

Show Summary displays a table of the shows in your database with traffic light style colouring to indicate the status of a season of a show (including Specials as their own season).

The season colouring is as follows: -


Indicates a season of a show that is complete.

Light Green

Indicates a season of a show which is ongoing. The numbers in brackets indicates the number of up-coming shows found in When to watch.


Indicates a season whose broadcast is complete but you don’t have all the available episodes in the library.


Indicates a season whose broadcast is complete but you have no episodes.


Indicates a season which you have told TV Rename to ignore.

The show name colouring is as follows: -


Indicates a show that is checked for missing episodes.


Indicates a show that is not checked.

The data can also be filtered using the tick boxes at the top of the pane if required.

  • TODO Descriptions of the options here (there are some new ones too)

Last updated