Once a scan is complete, TV Rename will identify files to move/copy/rename and additional files to download/create. For episodes that are still missing, TV Rename will try and find them for you.
There are 7 places it could search:
File System – If found, it will remove the episode from the missing list and move the file into the correct place.
SABnzbd, uTorrent, qBittorrent – If found it will mark it as downloading so you know not to try and find the item again. See The Torrents/NZB Tab for more information.
RSS Feed for torrent links, JSON Web page for torrent links – If found then it will download the torrent file. (via uTorrent or qBittorrent) See The RSS/JSON Search Tab for more information about configuration.
Jackett - If you have a Jackett Server running TVR can ask it for download locations fo rmissing files. See Jackett section of the settings for further information.
Identification of files
How to write a Regex for TV Rename
Firstly, get acquainted with what a regular expression is - these sites will help:
Once you understand Regular Expressions and ‘Named Groups’ in particular then all you need to know is that TV Rename looks for 3 named groups:
S – The number series the file relates to.
E – The Episode number the file relates to.
F – (optional) If specified and if it matches then this is the max episode number that the file matches. It is used for instances when a file matches multiple episodes.
For Example: ‘S01E01-03’ would indicate that the file represents Series 1 and is episodes 1-3. In this case S=1, E=1 and F=3.
Finding Rules
Note that if a file matches multiple missing files, or multiple files match one missing episode no action is taken. TV Rename will raise a warning in the log files and allow the user to manually link the file to the missing episode.
Further Information
Last updated